Thursday, April 30, 2009

2 Abayas That I Heart From

I love these 2 abayas, one look for day and one for going out, but both very glam:

Day Look:


Get them here (they're both under fifty pounds!)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Outfit Ideas

A nice simple outfit with a tailored jacket to keep it on trend :D

Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Smart Choice

A smart outfit idea, great for an interview or a job that requires professional dress or even a dinner out with the right accessories:

A Smart Choice

Smart Choice by Zaenab

Friday, April 24, 2009

Maxi Dress Ideas - Forever21

I got a request to put some outfits together for maxi dresses from forever21. Here are three looks that I have come up with, all for under $100. All of the items of clothing featured are from forever21:

Coming in at a cool $73.40, this outfit will keep you going all summer and is perfect for a days shopping:

Chill out in this floral number that has holiday written all over it:

And finally, my favorite set:

Summer maxis are a muslimahs best friend :D

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Summer Florals

I love the outfit above so I stole the theme to create a summer hijabi look:

Summer Florals

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Quick Style Tip

Just because you wear a hijab it doesn't mean you can't wear hair accessories too. Those cotton stretchy headbands are readily available on the high street and come in every colour imaginable - they're fantastic to wear under a hijab instead on an uncomfortable under cap and will add a splash of colour to a plain scarf without breaking the bank, perfect!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Contact Stylish Muslimah

I have decided to set up an email address specifically for this blog as I don't really fancy putting up my normal one. If you would like to contact me to request a post or anything else regrading hijab fashion or this blog please feel free. Please respect that this blog is meant for females only and so is this email.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Styling Your Hijab To Suit Your Face Shape

Usually, the face shape that hair dressers try to achieve with various cuts and styles is the oval shape as this is considered to be the most flattering. As a general rule, people blessed with a naturally oval shape usually suit most hair styles. You’re probably wondering why on earth I’m going on about hair styles and not hijab styles, well, because these rules can be applied to the hijab. First you need to discover the shape of your face:

Using a flexible tape measure, make the following measurements and write down the results:

1. Across your forehead at the widest place, about half way between your eyebrows and your hairline
2. Across your cheeks from the edge of one cheekbone to the edge of the other
3. Around your jawline, between where it’s widest on each side
4. From our top hairline to the tip of your chin

Then compare those numbers.
The most common face shapes are:

Round: Approximately as wide as it is long
Oval: Greater length than width
Long: Length is 1½ times the width
Square: Equally wide at the forehead, cheeks and jaw

Here are some tips and tricks I put together for hijab styles for round, long and square face shapes. I haven't done one for oval because most styles suit this shape, even al amiras.

First, the square with an equally wide forehead, cheeks and jaw:

By Stylish Muslimah
Next the round face, with rounded cheeks and chin and equally wide as it is long:

By Stylish Muslimah
Lastly, tips for the long, thin face where the length is about one and a half times the width:

By Stylish Muslimah
I hope these help! If you have any face-shape tips, feel free to post them in the comments.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hijab, Science And Instincts: A Look At What A Princeton University Study Unveiled

I know it's long but it's a really interesting scientific study about the hijab:

Study: Men Objectify Scantily Clad WomenBy Amel AbdullahFreelance Writer - United StatesBrainMemory tests performed on the men showed that most of them best remembered photographs of headless women in bikinis despite viewing each image for only a fraction of a second.

Anecdotally, Muslim women often speak of feeling “protected,” “safe,” and “respected” when they wear the hijab (religiously mandated modest dress that covers the shape of the body and includes the headscarf or veil). Now there may also be evidence to show that their feelings are rooted in scientific fact.When psychologist Susan Fiske and a team of researchers at Princeton University performed MRI brain scans on heterosexual men who viewed a series of images showing both scantily clad and fully clothed men and women, they found that the men had an unmistakable response to women wearing less clothing.

The less they wore, the more likely it was for the premotor cortex and the posterior middle temporal gyrus to light up. These are the areas of the brain associated with tool use, hand manipulation, and the urge to take action. (Cikara, Dell’Amore)

“It was as if they immediately thought about how they might act on these bodies,” Fiske explained during the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science which was held in Chicago, February 12-16. “They are reacting to these photographs as people react to objects,” she said. (Nicholson)

Memory tests performed on the men showed that most of them best remembered photographs of headless women in bikinis despite viewing each image for only a fraction of a second. (Landau)

Fiske and her team further examined the men for hostile sexist attitudes. They found that those rated as more hostile had little activity in areas of the brain that are associated with considering another person’s thoughts and feelings (a phenomenon called mentalizing) when looking at sexualized photos of women in bikinis. “They are not thinking about their minds,” said Fiske. (Cikara, Dell’Amore, Landau)

More…Sexualized Women Viewed as Less Human, Several studies further demonstrate the link between viewing pornography and committing violence against women, including rape and sexual assault.

According to a lay summary of Fiske’s study provided to, when a man’s mentalizing network shuts down, this means he views sexualized women as “less human.” (Cikara)This type of dehumanization is something Fiske says has rarely been observed in the laboratory setting-only “once before,” according to a recent National Geographic article, which cited a study in which people were shown “off-putting photographs of homeless people and drug addicts.” (Dell’Amore)

In the case of scantily clad women, however, men do not demonstrate the same feelings of avoidance as they do with populations like the homeless, which are often shunned by society. Instead, they wish to act on them as one would “push,” “handle,” or “grab” an object-first-person action verbs that men associated with the images of women in swimsuits. (Dell’Amore, Landau)

Mina Cikara, a Princeton University graduate student who was involved in conducting the study, added that men do not view their wives or sisters in the same manner they view sexualized images of women. In addition, men associated the images of women who were more fully clothed with third-person verbs, such as “she pushes,” “she handles,” and “she grabs,” which, according to Fiske, implies that men view fully-clothed women as having more command over their own actions and not as objects to be manipulated. (Eshleman, Landau)

More Clothing, More Respect“One of the main objectives of hijab is to safeguard women from the gazes of people of weak morals.”

According to Fiske, the results of the study have important implications for women, especially in the workplace as it has previously been shown that viewing sexualized images of women can affect how men perceive women and interact with them afterwards. (Landau, Sample)A sexism study conducted by Lawrence University professor, Peter Glick, also found that professional women who wear provocative attire in the workplace are perceived by their co-workers as being less competent and less intelligent, especially when they are in positions of power. According to, Glick’s study suggests that “women in higher level and high power jobs may need to dress more modestly and conservatively to win the respect of their colleagues.” (

Several studies further demonstrate the link between viewing pornography and committing violence against women, including rape and sexual assault. In the wars of Bosnia and Iraq, soldiers who committed atrocious crimes and dehumanized the other side were often found to be regular consumers of pornography, even viewing pornography on purpose to “psyche themselves up” for the work of killing. (Chew, Rejali)

Fiske compared the results of her study to studies showing that viewing television can desensitize one to the effects of violence. “You have to be aware of the effect of these images on people,” Fiske told The Daily Princetonian. “They’re not neutral. They do have an effect on how people think about other women.” (Eshleman, Alleyne)

Dignity and Confidence“There were times where I wish I was covered up more so that I could just get home without worrying about who might be following me.”
Despite mounting evidence showing the benefits of modest and conservative dress, media portrayals of the hijab frequently depict Muslim women as victims of oppression, mind-control, and abuse.Karen Danielson, however, maintains that wearing the hijab gives her both dignity and confidence. Danielson, an American living in Jordan, first wore the hijab more than two decades ago, shortly after embracing Islam in 1983.
“When I walk in public, I cannot be looked at or judged based on my sensuality or lack of either, or how I attract or not attract men,” she explained to “I define myself based on my upright behavior and intelligence-what my dress upholds-and I am humbled in my modest dress.”
“I feel that I can be myself, a unique individual with her own voice to speak,” added Sumayah Finnigan. “I am not conforming to the majority in what they say and wear and thus I am me - which is thoroughly liberating.”
Balqees Mohammed, an American who embraced Islam in 1979, holds similar views and told that the hijab “promotes modesty…for the woman as well as all those around her.”

Mohammed, who lives in Saudi Arabia and covers her face in addition to the rest of her body, says that her way of dressing “causes others, particularly men, to not be so free to engage in unnecessary discussion.”
Hijab and Safety “The message that the woman gives when she wears Islamic dress is as follows: ‘Respect me for who I am. I am not a sex object.’”

“I definitely feel safer wearing hijab and dressing modestly in general,” Cari Abudeyeh, another American living in Jordan and a practicing Muslim of twelve years told”I feel it is my barrier against men staring or disrespecting me and my boundaries. It is a barrier to prevent or change that first instinctive look men give you to check you out and see what you are ‘about,’ a barrier to prevent sexual feelings you didn’t intend them to feel or ideas in their heads that are created by dressing provocatively.”
She went on to say that “It’s a protection against men approaching you in an inappropriate manner, helping to influence their decision in the way they stand by you, talk to you, look at you, or even prevent them from touching you.”

Finnigan, who is from London, contrasts wearing the hijab, which she describes as “an act of obedience to the Creator” that “makes women safer in both the literal sense and the spiritual sense,” with the feelings of vulnerability she used to experience before accepting Islam and the hijab in 1999.
“There were times where I wish I was covered up more so that I could just get home without worrying about who might be following me,” said Finnigan. “Every night I would venture out and return home always looking over my shoulder, afraid I would be attacked or raped.”
“There will always be those who will or may attack women regardless of their manners or style of dress,” acknowledges Mohammed. However, she sees the Muslim hijab as “an added help to ward off possible physical approaches.”

“One of the main objectives of hijab is to safeguard women from the gazes of people of weak morals and from those seeking to indulge in unlawful worldly pleasures,” says Sheikh Riyad Al-Musaymiri, a professor at Al-Imam University in Riyadh. (
“The Muslim woman is distinguished from the impious woman, for which she deserves respect.” (Al-Musaymiri)
According to, some Western observers have assumed that the head covering of a woman is meant to show her inferiority to men.
“This could not be further from the truth. The Qur’an explicitly states that the reason for her dressing this way is so that she will be respected. The message that the woman gives when she wears Islamic dress is as follows: ‘Respect me for who I am. I am not a sex object.’” (

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Outfit Ideas

A cute maxi dress outfit idea:

More inspiration coming soon ^-^

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Covering Your Chest With Your Hijab

I had a comment from someone who wanted to know how to cover their chest with a hijab, instead of explaining, I think it's easier just to see how it's done. Here's a really nice hijab style that looks great and will cover your chest at the same time; plus all you need is two pins, yay! It's sliiightly long winded but I love the style of the video anyway:

Hope that helped anon :D

Friday, April 3, 2009

Five Things For The Summer

Slowly but surely the weather is getting warmer so what better time to start getting ready for the summer months than now? Here are my five summer essentials to get you started:

Hope you can read that font lol :D