Saturday, March 26, 2011

Music: Love it or Shove it?

Like many topics in Islam, I highly doubt that this debate will ever be settled between Muslims. However, I have recently started to wonder if music really is as bad as many Muslims make out. I personally do listen to music, however only certain types. As a lot of English/Western music only ever seems to be about one thing and is more than likely riddled with subliminal messages, I avoid listening to it altogether. However, I do listen to general Arabic music, English nasheeds and instrumental music. I am in no way saying that this is 100% halal, I am just sceptical as to whether I would really be punished for listening to it...

Now, I know of ahadith which say that the last people will attempt to make music (amongst other things) halal and will be burnt in the pits of hell for it. I have also heard that the authenticity of these ahadith have been questioned. I know of ahadith that say that only drums and vocals are permitted on special occasions. But then what about the Prophet Dawood (David) [A] how played the flute?

Some people say it is about how the music makes you feel and what it makes you think. I quite agree, but that is more to do with the what the song is about as opposed to an intrinsic thing within the act of listening to music.

What we must remember is that nowhere in the Quran has Allah (SWT) explicitly said that music or songs are haram. Saying that something is 'haram' is a big deal. It means you will be punished if you carry out said 'sin' and don't repent before you die. It does not seem enter my logic that listening to a song about a subject is not haram will suddenly become haram because it is sung with instruments. If I were to sing the periodic table whilst playing a guitar, would I be punished..? Bit harsh :/ Anyway, what do you think? Love it or shove?


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