Monday, December 29, 2008

Headscarf Idea

I love this style, you can use so many different scarfs and colours to get lots of great looks. But make sure you cover your neck and ears with another scarf or roll neck if you want to try this out :D

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Support Gaza

Don't hold your silence like so many damned Arabs that have made me so ashamed to be Arabic. Go to any protests in your area, make a blog post or even just wear a black and white eshmagh to show your support for these poor Muslims. The weakest form of emaan is to stop something so haraam and so inhumane by talking but this is all we can do, just don't hold your silence as that is betrayal of your Muslim brothers and sisters.

Friday, December 26, 2008


Sorry about the recent lack of decent posts, I've been quite busy :oI Anyway, I'll be posting better things in the new year Insha'Allah until then I'll do my best to post some interesting stuff when I'm not being lazy!

Outfit Ideas

Take what you like and leave what you don't:

Pretty in pink :DI can't remember where these are from but you can buy them online; if I find the site I'll post it in the comments.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

'Fake Flesh': Love it or Shove it?

Have you ever seen those skin coloured tops? Well I wouldn't touch one with a barge pole but clearly some hijabis quite like them. They are usually worn under short sleeves and give the appearance (from a distance) that nothing is being worn underneath the short sleeved top at all. I think it looks odd, hijab or not but what do you reckon? Here are some pics to show you what I'm talking about:

I've only ever seen this done with sleeves and I don't think it looks stylish at all. The actress in the blue dress would have been better off with a faux fur bolero and as for the model, well.. if she really must wear that top she could have at least worn it with a nice cardigan or jacket. That's just my opinion though, I sure a lot of people think it looks nice but these coloured tops just aren't for me.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Wardrobe Essential: The LBD

Long black dress that is, I love them because they are so versatile so you can dress them up or down. Perfect!

Plain black dress: Oh what to do?! by Zaenab

You could do the same with a plain white maxi too but probably not with any loud patterns - stick to casual with those, a denim jacket and you can't go wrong :D

Friday, December 19, 2008

Outfit Ideas

For Egyptian inspiration. I like a lot of things in these pics, not keen on all of them though lol, but I'll leave you girls to make up your minds.

Well they certainly know how to colour coordinate, I think now they need to focus slightly more on style coordination. As in not putting the wrong styles together lol, for example the second to last pic showed the woman with hideously out of date jeans with beads and sequins sewn into them. I had to crop it off because I don't want to hurt your eyes.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Modest Non-Hijabis

Because it's called Stylish Muslimah ^-^ Here are some pictures I like
Simple and cute, great for prayer with an added scarf:

Nice, modest and glam at the same time: a perfect combination, mwah!

Ohh, back in Pakistan I believe, check out those pretty colours:

Dressed up Muslimah pals, they clearly like their bling :D

OK, I'm getting slightly carried away now lol, but I like the pic anyway it's really interesting..

I heart my Muslimahs :)

Yay, I Was Tagged :D

By Inspired Muslimah to do this fun little questionnaire :D so here goes:

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago

1. Being told off by my mean teachers - that's more than five.

5 Things on my to do list

1. Have as few driving lessons as humanly possible
2. Never be mean to my mum ever again. Ever..
3. Make good use of my gap year
4. Think of a 4th 'to do'
5. Make a better and more serious 'to do' list

1 snack I love

1. Tea and biscuits.

5 Things I would do If I were a millionaire

1. Buy a mansion
2. Probably go power crazy
3. Open my own amazing hijab fashion shop which everybody would love
4. Buy 5 Chanel bags
5. ..and a Gucci

5 Places I have lived

1. Several parts of the UK. Boring.

5 Jobs I have had

1. In a hospital shop
2. In a clothes shop
3. I'm 18, I haven't had five jobs yet lol

I tag anyone with a cheeky little blog :O)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pakistani Hijab Style

The country I'll be focusing in on today is Pakistan and the first thing that I have noticed about their fashion is colour, colour and more colour. Their traditional salwar kameez comes in an array of lovely fabrics, designs and patterns. Here are some pics I found:

Ohh, I like the yellow and lilac scarves :D

Everyone has their own unique style and Pakistani hijab is no different:

Aww, I love that last photo, the colour of her hijab and tunic is so rich and suits her skin colour perfectly.

^That has to be my fave pic, you go fight crime girlfriends! Lol :) And my favorite thing about Pakistan is undoubtedly the wedding outfits the women wear, they're just soooo beautiful:

Omg, how nice is that henna, I've never seen it drawn like that before, it's usually smaller and more detailed, in the Arab world the nails are done as well in a dark henna. I'd love to get it done but I'm scared it'll go wrong and never come off..

And last but not least, there is no stopping the magnificent rainbow of colour from seeping onto the Pakistani runway either:
Ahh so nice, I adore the girly colur combo..shame about the (lack of) sleeves though

Wide leg trousers - Pakistani style :D

What great designs! I love Pakistani fashion, it's so bright and definatly unique. Hope you like it too!

This spread was done by request so if anyone wants me to do anymore countries, feel free to write it in the comments :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Nabila's Pick Of The Week

Another cute and casual outfit from Nabila:

I've changed it slightly by using a brown dress and cream cardigan instead of the other way around. Only because I wanted to use this lush dress lol :D

I made the small addition of a Chanel..oh if only, if only..

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Celebrity Style Steal.. Azizah Ariffin

Popular TV personality from Malaysia, Azizah is my next style steal. She has recently started wearing hijab - June of this year to be precise on her 39th birthday. I've managed to dig up some pictures of her newly found hijab style:

First off, a staple of the hijabis wardrobe - a pure white tunic. I like those pretty embellishments too :)

Wow a bold, colourful dress. Red suits this skin tone very well:

My steal - inspired by the red dress.. but far less casual ^-^

A bit grainy but you can still make out the cute patterned tunic and dark jeans. Nice :)

And lastly, a sweet blue and white outfit..

Hope you liked this celeb style steal.. more coming soon Insha'Allah.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Glamorize With (Faux) Fur

Fur Coat by Zaenab

Got a sleeveless dress? Be a glamorously covered lady and wrap yourself in luxury fur.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Layer Your Way To Style

This winter, think one word: 'layermania'. Perfect for modesty and those short sleeved dresses, layering is the stylish hijabis best friend. There's sooo many different ways to get the look so I'd be mad to try and go through them all but here are some ways I like to layer..and some ways I certainly don't..
Don't :(

OK, I know a lot of hijabis think this look is great but I think different. For me, wearing one of those 'long sleeved basic' tops under any short sleeved dress screams "I'm only trying to cover!" This is wrong girls, your outfit should scream "stylishly modest!!" Anyway, enough of the rant, here's what I mean:

Those are the sort of sleeves I'm talking about. And so are these:

Who cares if they're models and this is a professional photo-shot?! Face it: a halter neck vest with a horrid basic top underneath to 'do the job' is never going to cut it in my books. Next, try and guess who I think got it all wrong because I don't want to be any meaner..

Oh whatever.. that blue maxi could have looked soo much nicer with a bolero or denim jacket.
Do :)

And now some layering that I actually like:

Before you think this is exactly the same as what I just said was disgusting, it's not the same because she has layered 3 tops which kinda works here and the colours are adorable:

I looove this next one, it's so feminine and the cardi is very hijab friendly and also baby friendly by the looks of things :) it also shows you can layer one colour. Yay :D

OK.. I have to admit that tops under a dress can sometimes look nice but if and only if the sleeves underneath are the statement piece, e.g. a contrasting colour or a pattern against a solid coloured dress. Those balloon sleeved blouses look fab under a sleeveless dress too! :P

And let's not, of course, forget our good friends 'chunky knit' and 'boyfriend cardigan' ^-^

Sorry, it's a bit hectic but I had a lot burst into my head at once :o) anyway, get layering girls..and start with a cardigan!