Sunday, November 17, 2013

WTH has happened to hijabis on YouTube..?

People who have read my blog for a while will know that I am not particularly judgemental and I don't call people out on things in public but seriously - what on EARTH has happened to Muslim YouTubers?! 

Don't get me wrong, some of them are awesome but I cannot believe that it has become acceptable for Muslims to produce satirical videos about making the hijab 'sexy' or 'halal chat-up lines' or mocking videos about halal food or about having extramarital relations, all produced, edited and posted by Muslims. How on earth did we get to this level of acceptance towards mocking our own religion? To the point where the producers of these videos are congratulated, interviewed and loved by thousands of Muslims. Since when did it become okay and encouraged to make light of such serious topics? We as an Ummah are heading down a very slippery slope.

Once you start making light of a subject, even for a joke, it's seriousness will lessen until eventually you hold it in no regard at all. This is the way the shaytaan manipulates and deviates man and unfortunately we are making it all incredibly easy for him. 

I am not suggesting that Muslims should just get off YouTube but how about making useful videos? Not necessarily about Islam but about something that is positive or educational or comedy that is respectful and does not mock our way of life, or anyone else's. And definitely something that is not riddled with inappropriate language as I have seen on many Muslims' videos, and it looks ten times worse when hijabis do it. 

A word of advice: modesty and shyness (hayaa') are loved characteristics in Islam - they are beautiful and they beautify the person that possesses them. Please don't throw these traits away by mocking your own values for a cheap laugh. You should hold yourself and your beliefs in a much, much higher regard than that.

If you ask them, they declare: "We were only talking idly and joking." Say: "Was it at Allah, and His Ayat and His Messenger (SAW) that you were mocking?" 



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